Musing & Muted Monologues...

Trying to Make Sense of It All...

Thursday, May 08, 2003

Now I've mentioned this to a couple folk, but I figured I'd put it out there for errybo' cuz. This R. Kelly guy is an idiot. Why would you have several allegations against yourself as a pedophile and child pornographer and change your name to "The Pied Piper"? Do you guys know what the Pied Pyper was famous for? Playing music while romping through the forest with a crowd of little kids entranced by his music. He hypnotizes the entire child population of a village when the town refuses to pay them for getting rid of the towns overbaring rodent problem. He runs into a mountain side with all but one of the children (who happened to be lame) and vanished forever. Interesting, yes no? Here's an excerpt, cause y'know your boy Lee is gon' find something to back up what he's says. right?:
"183 ``And folks who put me in a passion
184 ``May find me pipe after another fashion.''


185 ``How?'' cried the Mayor, ``d'ye think I brook
186 ``Being worse treated than a Cook?
187 ``Insulted by a lazy ribald
188 ``With idle pipe and vesture piebald?
189 ``You threaten us, fellow? Do your worst,
190 ``Blow your pipe there till you burst!''


191 Once more he stept into the street,
192 And to his lips again
193 Laid his long pipe of smooth straight cane;
194 And ere he blew three notes (such sweet
195 Soft notes as yet musician's cunning
196 Never gave the enraptured air)
197 There was a rustling that seemed like a bustling
198 Of merry crowds justling at pitching and hustling,
199 Small feet were pattering, wooden shoes clattering,
200 Little hands clapping and little tongues chattering,
201 And, like fowls in a farm-yard when barley is scattering,
202 Out came the children running.
203 All the little boys and girls,
204 With rosy cheeks and flaxen curls,
205 And sparkling eyes and teeth like pearls,
206 Tripping and skipping, ran merrily after
207 The wonderful music with shouting and laughter.
Hmmmm, and now he's doing remixes with B2K's effiminate asses...
Oh, for more on the story of The Pied Piper, you can click here (just in case you're interested).


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